Thursday 6 October 2016

Assignment 4 (Grade 3) My Personal Dictionary - Physical Regions

In class, students looked at pictures of different types of physical regions and learned key words to describe each region. To help them remember the definition of each word, they drew a picture to represent each type of physical region.

Key Words:
  • La plaine (plains)
  • Le marais (swamp/marsh)
  • Les monts (mountains) 
  • Les plateaux (plateaus)
  • Les vallées (valleys)
  • Les collines (hills)
  • Les montagnes (mountains)
  • Rocheux/rocheuse (rocky - adjective)
  • Boisé/boisée (wooded - adjective
Note: Les monts and les montagnes both refer to mountains. 

You can review these words with your child at home. For example, cover each word and ask them to say the word corresponding to the picture. 

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