Thursday 27 October 2016

Important Notice

Dear parents,

This post is to inform you that starting next week, I will teaching another class at RDPS due to staffing changes. As a result, I will no longer be teaching Grade 2/3 Social Studies to your children.

To ensure some sort of continuity, I will be working with the new teacher to inform him/her of the learning that has taken place in the last two months. I will also pass on information about completed assessments and assignments.

Having already marked the quizzes completed by most of the classes, I will make sure that your children receive their quiz sometime next week. As for the classes who haven't written the quiz, it will ultimately be up to the new teacher to decide what he/she wants to do.

Again, I will do my best to ensure a smooth transition.

Thank you for your understanding and your continued support of your child's education.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

M. Ho

Sunday 23 October 2016

Quiz for Grade 2: World Map

For Grade 2 students, there will be a quiz on the world map.

The sheets students can review to prepare for the quiz:

  • La carte du monde 
  • Le rose des vents 
  • Je m'oriente 
  • Colorie un climat
Students can self-check their understanding by using this checklist:

I am ready for the quiz if I can...
  • name and write the cardinal directions on a compass
  • name examples of countries 
  • name the continent we live on
  • name and locate continents on a map
  • name and locate the Poles on map (North and South Pole)
  • name and locate the hemispheres on a map
  • find the equator on a map
  • describe the general climate of a country if it is close or far from the equator 

Saturday 15 October 2016

Quiz for Grade 3: Ontario's Physical Regions

For Grade 3 students, there will be a quiz on Ontario's physical regions in the upcoming weeks.

The three sheets students can review to prepare for the quiz: 
  • Map of Ontario (La carte de l'Ontario)
  • My Personal Dictionary (Mon dictionnaire personnel)
  • How to describe the physical regions of Ontario worksheet (Comment décrire les régions physiques de l'Ontario?)
Students can self-check their understanding using this checklist. 

I am ready for the test if I can...
  • name each physical region on a map of Ontario
  • describe each region using words from my Personal Dictionary
  • describe each region using my own words 
  • identify the physical region shown in a photo (see below)
I will choose 3 photos out of the possible 6 photos shown below. Students will have to identify which region is shown in the photo. 

Assignment 5: Describing Ontario's Physical Regions

Students are learning to use the words from their Personal Dictionary to describe Ontario's physical regions. They are also to use words from their own knowledge in their descriptions. They can use their imagination to think about what they would see if they actually in each region.

For example:

Je vois que le Bouclier canadien est une région rocheuse et boisée
I see that the Canadien Shield is a rocky and forested region.

Students received a chart to write in their descriptions based on photos of each physical region (shown below). Please remind them to write in complete sentences.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Assignment 4 (Grade 3) My Personal Dictionary - Physical Regions

In class, students looked at pictures of different types of physical regions and learned key words to describe each region. To help them remember the definition of each word, they drew a picture to represent each type of physical region.

Key Words:
  • La plaine (plains)
  • Le marais (swamp/marsh)
  • Les monts (mountains) 
  • Les plateaux (plateaus)
  • Les vallées (valleys)
  • Les collines (hills)
  • Les montagnes (mountains)
  • Rocheux/rocheuse (rocky - adjective)
  • Boisé/boisée (wooded - adjective
Note: Les monts and les montagnes both refer to mountains. 

You can review these words with your child at home. For example, cover each word and ask them to say the word corresponding to the picture.