Sunday 4 December 2016

Social studies game for grade 3

We have been discussing the different regions within Ontario and the students played a game in class which reinforced that. Please use this game at home to strike up conversations about what types of agriculture we can find in the green belt within Ontario and why they are so important for us.

Success criteria for presentations

Starting at the end of this week and continuing for the next 2 periods the students will be doing a presentation about what they have learnt in social studies so far. Please refer to the success criteria to ensure that your child knows exactly what is expected of them for the presentation. I will also hand out the success criteria  to each student and I will give them the date that they will be presenting. Please do not hesitate to call me to ask me any questions regarding this. 
Mme. Sewell 

Grade 3
We are moving to one of the region in Ontario!

In social studies we have been talking about the different regions within Ontario. We have spoken about what the landforms look like and how the temperature differs. Recently, we have been discussing how the different regions affect what types of jobs you would be able to acquire depending on where you live (ex. Mining in the Canadian shield). As a mini assignment your child is asked to bring in 3 items that would be useful within a region if they were planning on moving to that region. They can choose their region (Canadian Shield= Bouclier Canadian, Hudson Bay lowlands= les basses terres de la Baie d’Hudson, the great lakes and St. Lawrence lowlands= les basses terres des grands lacs et du Saint-Laurent).  Your child will be asked to show the items one by one and then the class will guess which region they chose.

Success criteria:
  • I will bring in 3 items that represent a region of Ontario.
  • One the items will be related to a job that is influenced by the land in that region.
  • Once the class decides which region I chose to describe, I will describe why the items are related to that area.
  • In my description of that area I will include the importance of temperature.
  • In my description I will include a landform (i.e. Dans le Bouclier Canadian il y a beaucoup de roches.)
  • In my description I will include ONE of the municipalities and ONE city in that region.  

Grade 2
We are moving to another country!
In social studies we have been talking about the different countries around the World.  We have spoken about how the temperature differs, there are different continents and the cardinal directions. As a mini assignment your child is asked to bring in 3 items that would be useful to bring with them if they were moving to a different country (of their choice).  Your child will be asked to show the items one by one and then the class will guess which country they chose.

Success criteria:
  • I will bring in 3 items that represent a country of my choice.
  • One the items will be related to the temperature of the country.
  • Once the class decides which country I chose to describe, I will describe why the items are related to that area.
  • In my description of that country I will include which continent it is from.
  • In my description I will include a cardinal direction.
  • In my description I will include one city that is in that country.  

I will hand out the date that your child will present and they should bring in these items. I will place them in a bag for them to show them one at a time in order to make it a guessing game for the rest of the students.  

Thursday 1 December 2016

Grade 2

In grade 2 we have been focusing on finding out information about communities around the world. To begin with each student chose a city anywhere in the word and they did some research on it. They needed to locate it on a map, describe the types of houses there, write down it's current temperature, describe what continent it is on, say what language they speak and write down any interesting facts about it. They were really excited to research about a different city and they found out some interesting facts. We have continued this type of research by looking at 'letters' written from children from around the world. In the letters the children describe their home and what a day in their lives looks like. We have been comparing a day in their lives with a day in a life of the a child in Canada. At home you can discuss the differences between the lives of someone that lives in Canada and someone that lives in another country. Focus on housing, temperature, transportation, languages, flags and continents.

Huts in Kenya.
Image result for huts in kenya

Homes in the rainforest.
Image result for homes in the rainforest

Sand homes in Iran

Image result for homes from around the world

Thatched house in England

Image result for thatched house england

Mme. Sewell :)

Please contact me at
Or you can telephone me at 905-585-0001 ext. 302