Thursday 29 September 2016

Assignment 3 (Grade 3): Map of Ontario's Physical Regions

As part of our Living and Working in Ontario unit, Gr. 3 students were introduced to Ontario's three physical regions:
  • Hudson Bay Lowlands (Les basses-terres de la baie d'Hudson)
  • Canadian Shield (Le Bouclier canadien)
  • Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands (Les basses-terres des Grands Lacs et du Saint Laurent)
The definition of a physical region is: 

A region which has similar geographical characteristics (landscape, climate, vegetation). 

Une région dont les caractéristiques géographiques (les formes de la surface, le climat, la végétation) sont généralement similaires.

Students looked at pictures from the different regions: 

Students were then given a map to colour to show Ontario's three physical regions. Below is a map with labels showing the location of each region. The students' completed maps do not require the labels, but their legend should be coloured correctly.

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Monday 26 September 2016

Assignment 2: Our Communities Big and Small

In class, we used Google Maps to look at the different communities we belong to. We started out small by looking at our school, Romeo Dallaire Public School, and the surrounding neighbourhood of Maple. Then, we gradually zoomed out to look at our city/municipality (Vaughan), our region (York Region), our province (Ontario), our country (Canada), our continent (North America), and finally our planet Earth.

Students then cut out strips, each listing out a different community, and then reordered the communities from largest to smallest:
  • La Terre (Planete) 
  • L'Amérique du Nord (Continent)
  • Le Canada (Pays)
  • L'Ontario (Province)
  • Région de York (Région)
  • Vaughan (Ville et Municipalité)
  • Maple (Quartier)
  • École Publique Roméo Dallaire 
  • Notre classe 
You can support your child's learning by asking them to give examples of different types of communities (e.g. Can you name some of the cities/provinces/countries you know?) 

You can also ask them to compare different communities and to state which is larger or smaller. (e.g. Is Vaughan larger or smaller than York Region? Is North America larger or smaller than Canada?)  

Friday 23 September 2016

Grade 2 Resource: Interactive World Map

In class, we took a look at continents and oceans and identifying them on a map. Here is a great website to practice finding continents and oceans at home: (Click on Continents and Océans. If you're up for a challenge, try Pays/Countries!)

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Resource: Google Maps

In class, we used Google Maps to identify the different communities we belonged to: our school, neighbourhood, city/municipality, region, province, country, continent, and planet. Students learned to order the communities from largest to smallest.

Students were also able to classify communities based on the way the name was written on the map. For example, the word "Vaughan" appeared larger than the word "Maple", allowing students to deduce that the city of Vaughan was bigger than the neighbourhood of Maple.

At home, you can use Google Maps ( with your child to improve their spatial awareness.

Suggestions for activities:
  • Identify what different colours represent on the map (green for parkland, blue for bodies of water, yellow for highways, etc.)
  • Using Street View (Drag the yellow person on the bottom right hand corner and drop into desired location) to take a closer look at places in your neighbourhood/around the world 
  • Classifying places as neighbourhoods, cities/municipalities, regions, provinces, countries or continents
  • Create a personalized map of your own neighbourhood, highlighting local attractions and landmarks ( - Google Account required)
  • Create a map showing the route taken on a family vacation ( - Google Account required)

Friday 16 September 2016

Assignment 1: Social Studies Cover Page

Students were introduced to the following definition in class:
Social Studies: The study of people and their relationships with others and the environment. 
After doing a brainstorm on the idea of "Social Studies", students were then asked to create a cover page for their Social Studies duotang. The cover page is a way for students to show what Social Studies means to them.

Success Criteria (used to evaluate the assignment)

On my cover page...
  • ·        I have written “Études Sociales”, “Les communautés du monde” and “Les traditions familiales et communautaires” (for Grade 2
  • I have written “Études Sociales”, “Vivre et travailler en Ontario” and “Les communautés du Canada au début des années 1800” (for Grade 3
  • I have written 3 other words related to Social Studies.
  • ·    I have drawings that are clear and colourful.
  • ·    I have made sure that all of my words and drawings relate to Social Studies. 
  • ·    I have shown my best effort. 

Thursday 15 September 2016


Welcome to Monsieur Ho's blog!

It is my pleasure to teach Grade 2 and 3 Social Studies this year. This blog will provide information on upcoming due dates and homework, as well as highlights of your children's learning throughout the year.

In Grade 2, your children will be learning about:
Global Communities (September-January)
Changing Family and Community Traditions (February-June)

In Grade 3, your children will be learning about:
Living and Working in Ontario (September-January)
Communities in Canada, 1780-1850 (February-June)

If you wish to contact me, please do not hesitate to email me at

As always, thank you for your continued support of your child's education.

M. Ho