Wednesday 30 November 2016

Grade 3


We are currently working on how where we live within Ontario impacts what we do in our lives.  After discussing the physical regions we have been discussing how those regions would impact what types of jobs we could have and what types of activities we can do. In particular, we have been looking at jobs that are influenced by the environment.  In class, we have been working on creating an imaginary suitcase as if we were going to visit a region. Each student had to write what they would want to bring with them to that region, what they would do there and what type of job they could find.

For instance, in the Canadian Shield (le Bouclier Canadian) there is a lot of mining opportunities because of the vast amount of rocks in the area.

Aerial photography mine site sudbury
Mine Site aerial photo of Sudbury, Ontraio

In the Hudson Bay lowlands (les basses-terres de la baie d'Hudson) there are many wild animals which means as a job you can be a hunter.

Image result for hunting in the hudson bay

The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence lowlands (les basses terres du st-laurent et des grands lacs) has fertile soil which means that you can be a farmer in this region. 
Image result for farms in the great lakes and st. lawrence lowlands
At home you can discuss the importance of how the region you live in impacts what you do as a job. 
Coming up.... we will be discussing municipalities next week. 

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Hello and Bonjour!

I am Mme. Sewell and I will now be teaching the grade 2s and grade 3s social studies. I am very excited to be working at RDPS and look forward to meeting all of you. I will continue Mr. Ho's Blog to ensure that you are kept up to date with what your child is learning in class.

Mr. Ho has been very helpful with me by explaining to me what the classes have already covered and what they are working on. We are hoping to see a smooth transition through this change. We will be continuing to work on living and working in Ontario in grade 3 and the world around me in grade 2.

Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions.
Mme. Sewell